Welcome to UpDog

Artificial Intelligence for a real-time grill management program

How To Get 30% more sales?

Artificial Intelligence tracks movement on all of your roller grills in real-time and sends the data to the cloud. UpDog uses this data to tailor an executable program for your organization.

Identify Food Items

Our patented system utilizes artificial intelligence to identify and track items on the roller grill

Understand Team Engagement

UpDog Assesses team member interaction with the grill and captures data

Actionable Insights

By understanding what products sell and when products are selling we provide a plan for optimizing each grill

Empty Grills Don’t Sell

From No merchandising, no products on the grill, and no variety of flavors to properly merchandised, plentiful grill with 7 different flavors

Before Start Date: March 19, 2021

Before Start Time: 10:01 AM EDT

After UpDog Date: July 7, 2021

after UpDog Time: 10:01 AM EDT

Our Goal is to be Low Touch and High Impact

1- Install UpDog

UpDog is discretely positioned on the sneeze guard. Once installed, let UpDog do it's thing.

2 - Follow the plan

Using the tools provided by UpDog, team members are given a customized plan for the grill

Scheduled Engagement

UpDog uses historical data to provide a plan for when team members need to interact with the grill

AI-powered Build Sheet

Using predictive analytics, UpDog maps a path for maximizing sales and minimizing waste

3 - Accountability

UpDog is continuously monitoring the grill to provide accountability that the plan is adhered to. What gets measured, gets done.

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